Connect risk to strategy, indicators, controls and more. Discover the Easiest to Use & Easiest to Setup tool among GRCs.
REQUEST A DEMODiscover how Essential ERM empowers organizations with versatile, scalable solutions to navigate today’s dynamic environment and achieve long-term success.
Implement best-practice risk management based on ISO 31000 and COSO. Eliminate unnecessary complexity and get unique features specifically designed for enterprise risk managers.
No other software system or spreadsheet is as fast, easy, and flexible as Essential ERM for building, populating, maintaining, and reporting on risk registers. Try it yourself for free today, or speak with one of our risk advisors about creating and automating your risk register.
Interactive risk bow tie diagrams provide risk managers and business users an easy and flexible tool to analyze risks and multiple risk scenarios in one intuitive diagram.
Create and launch automated risk votes in seconds. Invite business managers and executives to vote in live workshops or on their own schedule, through their mobile devices and workstations. Generate vote results and reports automatically for on-screen analysis and downloading.
Easily link enterprise risk with operational risk, including RCSA automation, action plans, incident management, compliance tracking and more.
Quickly model your organization and manage user permissions, so that users only see the information that they have access to. Guide users through intuitive workflows to complete their ongoing risk and control assessment activities.
Quickly and easily generate and download risk reports. Explore trends and data relationships to generate new insights opportunities to lower risks and costs and accelerate the achievement of objectives.
Join businesses across various industries that have enhanced their enterprise risk management program with Essential ERM.